Whitening Dentures
After a while, many denture wearers find themselves asking the same question; "How can I get my dentures white again"? The shortest answer to this question is that your dentures cannot be whitened beyond the original shade they were manufactured for. That being said, let's look at what can be done to either keep your dentures from getting dingy in the first place or restore them to their original brightness.
White Dentures 101
The easiest way to keep your dentures from getting dull in the first place is to clean them properly every night. It is best to use a toothbrush and cleaner made especially for use with dentures. Some of the products made for natural teeth are too harsh and can spoil the finish on your denture, dulling it. Household items like baking soda or liquid dishwashing soap may also be used. Never use harsh or abrasive substances like bleach or scouring powders, and always be sure to thoroughly rinse your dentures before putting them back into your mouth.
Now that we know what to use, lets talk about how to use it. As mentioned previously, it is safest to use a brush specially made for dentures. However, if one is not readily available you can substitute a regular toothbrush with soft rounded bristles. The important thing is to be careful and thorough. Make sure the brush is getting in around any clips, and be especially sure to clean under the pink base. Plaque and bacteria will build up on dentures just as they would on natural teeth.
Since you should give your gums a rest for at least six hours every day, the best idea is to soak your dentures in a glass of water overnight. And here's a tip, make the solution half water and half vinegar. The vinegar will help loosen any tartar that has accumulated on the denture and also help reduce stains. There are also denture products made specifically for soaking, and you can decide which works best for you, but household vinegar is a great eco-minded solution. It bares mentioning that you should never allow your dentures to dry out, this will cause shrinkage and affect the fit.
If you've tried these solutions, but you haven't been able to get your dentures back to their former sparkling glory, it's time to consult your denturist, and even he has a couple of options. A denturist can professionally polish your dentures and remove stains. However, as mentioned earlier, your dentures can only be made as white as they were when you first got them. If you are no longer satisfied with the original shade of your dentures, you may want to replace the teeth with a set of lighter colored dentures. The teeth can be removed by the denture technician and new whiter teeth can be set back into the original base. This would be the ultimate, though more costly, solution.
Keep your dentures as clean as possible and see your denturist for tune-ups!