Temporary Dentures

Temporary Dentures

Dentists insert temporary dentures, also known as immediate dentures, immediately after an extraction is made. In fact, construction of a temporary denture starts several visits before the final operative visit. As soon as the tooth is pulled out, the dentist places the immediate denture in the patient's mouth. Because these dentures are placed in the mouth while the anesthesia still works, insertion causes little pain. In fact, once the anesthesia wears off, the new tooth becomes a cushion of sorts and reduces the pain.

Although immediate dentures often become permanent, some patients develop problems with them, thus gaining immediate dentures the name temporary dentures. For example, in some cases, because of the inability to preview what the new tooth will look like, the implants do not look as attractive as they might with other dentures. Another complaint relates to the fast loss of bone after a tooth is pulled. In many cases, too much space develops between the implant and the gum.

Even if things go successfully with the temporary denture, they still have some drawbacks, the most obvious of which is cost. Although, initially, a temporary may seem cheaper than other options, in the long run they will cost more. Within 4 - 6 months, these implants must have a hard liner. Skipping this step could result in serious problems. However, this step often incurs additional costs, making temporary dentures more expensive than many people originally anticipate.



On this page, Dr. Spiller, a dentist with at least 30 years of experience, describes the different types of dentures. In the section on temporary dentures, he details the installation process as well as the problems that could develop to make an immediate denture a temporary denture. Also, he explains what happens after a patient receives a temporary denture and why these dentures cost more than many realize.


Sleep Dentistry offers information on temporary or immediate dentures. Although geared towards patients of the site's founder, Dr. Levin, the page still contains vital information for understanding the details of immediate dentures. Information includes details on what temporary dentures are, why immediate dentures may be preferable to other options, and what do expect if or when you yourself get temporary dentures.


In another informative page, Quality Dentistry explains temporary or immediate dentures and how they work. Quality, however, goes beyond the typical descriptions of having an immediate denture put in your mouth and explains what kind of maintenance work these implants need to stay up to par. For example, according to Quality Dentistry, patients need to see their dentist every three months.