Denture Cream
Are your dentures trying to give you the slip? Perhaps a little help is in order.
Denture creams, also referred to as adhesives can be a great tool for extra denture suction, which naturally leads to better denture grip. Let's get an overview of what denture cream is, and how to use it properly.
If your dentures are one of the standard removable types that rest directly on your gums and rely on suction to keep them in place, then at some point or another, you will probably notice that they are starting to slip a little when you eat and speak. This change in fit is the product of bone resorption. Bone requires pressure to stimulate the production of more bone. The pressure stimulus normally provided by the roots of the natural teeth is lost when they are removed.
If you have implanted dentures, the implanted posts help provide the pressure stimulus that will help continue the bone making process. However, the standard type denture doesn't have the structure needed to stimulate bone production. Therefore the boney ridge begins to shrink and no longer matches the inside of the denture base. This is what leads to that looser fit, and cause your dentures to rub against your gums, causing sore spots.
A good denture cream acts as an inexpensive, though temporary alternative to having your dentures relined. When applied to the underside of the denture base, the part that actually rests on the gums, the denture cream performs two basic functions. It spreads to fill in any gaps that have formed between the denture base and the current shape of the gums, and then combines with your saliva and forms an elastic bond between denture and gums. All of this can lead to a tighter, more comfortable grip for the denture wearer.
Learning how much denture cream to apply is a process of trial and error. It makes sense to start with a small amount and see if it will give you the added grip you need. From that point you can add a little extra at a time until you have learned the appropriate amount to use for your individual needs.
Barring any personal allergies, denture cream is safe to use.The typical denture cream is formulated to last 10-12 hours, so it's going to be in your mouth all day. However there is no need to worry about swallowing it. The denture cream is slowly dissolved by your saliva, and studies have shown that it generally passes through your body without any ill side- effects.
Barring any personal allergies, denture cream is safe to use.The typical denture cream is formulated to last 10-12 hours, so it's going to be in your mouth all day. However there is no need to worry about swallowing it. The denture cream is slowly dissolved by your saliva, and studies have shown that it generally passes through your body without any ill side- effects.
If you'd like to know more about dentures creams, ask your denture professional, who can help you choose one that is right for you.