Denture Problems
Denture pain is relatively common among many denture wearers. First time denture wearers as well as seasoned denture wearers will find themselves suffering sore gums from time to time for various reasons. Modern denture technology cannot produce a denture that will fit perfectly for the rest of your life, but there are some things you can do when denture pain drops by for a visit. Let's take a look at some of the most common problems that cause denture related pain, and some possible remedies.
One of the biggest causes of denture related pain is directly related to the way they fit. When a denture rests snugly against the gums and doesn't slide around, then pain shouldn't be an issue. But when that once great fit seems to be slipping a way, the dentures begin to rub against the gums leading to soreness and swelling. If left untreated this can make wearing the dentures intolerable.
Why do dentures loose their fit? The shape of the dental ridges are always changing. Over time, the boney ridges begin to deteriorate and the denture becomes loose because it no longer conforms to the new shape of the gums. When this happens it's time to take action. Let's look at some different ways to deal with this situation.
When dentures no longer fit properly, there are some denture products that can provide short term relief until you can see your denturist. Over-the-counter products such as denture creams and adhesives can provide a temporary cushion as well as assist with the denture's grip. These elastic-like products form a bond between the denture and gums, holding the dentures more firmly in place.
Denture cushions, small pieces of cotton that have been permeated with wax, fit between the denture base and the boney ridges and usually offer some level of relief. Both types of denture products are really only intended for temporary use. The denture cushion may actually speed up the process of bone resorption because it further reduces the pressure needed to stimulate bone production.
The fit of a denture can actually be adjusted and improved in several ways. If the gums are simply too sore and swollen for a new impression to be made, then a temporary soft liner may be added to the underside of the denture to act as a cushion until the gums have had time to heal. If the gums are not in too bad of shape then a semi-permanent liner may be added for extra comfort. Denturists may also use a flexible resin material to coat the inner ridge of the denture base, restoring a snug, comfortable fit. Everything depends on the shape of the gums.
How can you promote healing after the gums have become inflamed? The simplest remedies are sometimes the most effective. First of all, remove the dentures and let your gums rest. All tissue requires oxygen to stay healthy. By removing your dentures for a short time you are taking away the irritant and allowing the gums to breathe. Good hygiene will also go a long way to soothe tender gums. Gently swab the gums with a warm washcloth to remove harmful bacteria that may lead to a gum infection. Be meticulous about cleaning every surface and crevice of your dentures before putting them into the denture bath for a soak.Always notify your denturist as soon as you begin to feel persistent denture pain.